• Veraartlaan 8 
    2288 GM Rijswijk (visiting address)
    PO Box 1072
    2280 CB Rijswijk (mailing address)
27 September 2018

Opti-flor and ParXtra Trading join forces

Opti-flor will be cooperating with ParXtra Trading intensively. In concrete terms, this means that the Phalaenopsis company in Monster will be conducting extensive tests with the ParXtra® Booster: an innovative device that amplifies the vibration of light and thereby stimulates plant growth. In addition, Opti-flor will help to realise the manufacture of the first large volume of ParXtra® Boosters, and Marco and René Hendriks will join ParXtra Trading’s steering group.

Marco and René Hendriks of Opti-flor and Lennard van Vliet and Mark van den Ende of ParXtra Trading signed the cooperation agreement on Friday, 24 August. The first practical effect is that Opti-flor will be testing the ParXtra® Booster intensively as of this autumn. The tests at Opti-flor should provide insight into the exact added value of the ParXtra® Booster in the cultivation of Phalaenopsis.

Opti-flor will also support ParXtra Trading in realising the manufacture of the first large volume of ParXtra® Boosters. The devices, set to be delivered this autumn, will be used at Opti-flor and a number of other horticultural companies.

ParXtra® Steering Group
In addition, a delegation from Opti-flor will join the so-called ParXtra® Steering Group. This steering group comprises a select group of horticultural entrepreneurs who provide ParXtra Trading with practical input for the development of new products that provide a solution for controlling or stimulating plant growth. These products will be tested first at the companies that are part of the steering group.

About ParXtra Trading
ParXtra Trading BV aims to develop and market solutions and products that offer optimum control over and stimulation of the plant growth. By doing so, ParXtra Trading seeks to make a positive contribution towards solving the global food problem and allowing for more sustainable agriculture and horticulture.


We are very excited to see the results in our cultivation!
