• Veraartlaan 8 
    2288 GM Rijswijk (visiting address)
    PO Box 1072
    2280 CB Rijswijk (mailing address)
27 September 2018

Cut roses: first trials successfully completed

The first trials with cut roses concluded in the 3rd week of September. The differences between the plants cultivated with the ParXtra Booster and the reference batch were huge. The harvested stems of the treated plants were as much as 33% heavier than the stems of the untreated plants. The flowers of the treated stems were also visibly larger and fuller, and the stems themselves were thicker, sturdier and longer. The exact percentages have been recorded in the reports but cannot be published yet.

Interested growers of cut roses can contact ParXtra Trading for more information. The duration of the trial was 4 weeks, with cultivation taking place in a fully conditioned phytotron and using artificial light. All plants were from 1 batch of 1 variety. ParXtra was assisted superbly by the passionate grower Karel van Rijn of Van Rijn Roses BV (www.vanrijnroses.nl), who visited the test site of ParXtra Trading every week.
A large-scale cut roses test will start at this grower and another cut roses grower in October 2018.


I’ve grown cut roses for quite some years, but I have never seen anything like this. It’s unreal...

Karel van Rijn, Van Rijn Roses BV from De Kwakel